Perfect your sales pitch with realistic AI roleplays
The go-to sales readiness platform to help your reps crush their cold calls.
My name is Daniel Martin
CBO at Skyward Solutions
Try to sell me anything
Test your selling skills
Start call
Wear headphones for the best experience
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Customize roleplays to match buyer personas
Eliminate dial anxiety without wasting leads
Set yourself apart with PaddleBoat
Free up hours spent on roleplay feedback
Automated call feedback with insights on objection handling, best calling practices, and areas for improvement in every roleplay.
Free up hours spent on roleplay feedback
Accelerate sales excellence with real-time insights
Discover areas of strength and weakness across your team, implement best practices, and cultivate a stronger team calling culture.
Accelerate sales excellence with real-time insights
Minimize ramp-up time of your sales reps
Effortlessly convert your playbooks into engaging training programs. Create courses, wikis, and interactive videos to ensure your reps are ready to win deals.
Minimize ramp-up time of your sales reps
Don't just take
 our word 
for it
Franklyn Pereira
“PaddleBoat sounds like a game-changer for sales training. Excited to try out the custom voice-bots for fearless practice and see how it streamlines manager's time while ensuring readiness. Dial anxiety, meet your match!”
Kalpesh Bhalekar
“I'm mind blown with PaddleBoat! It's been ages since I've had such a wow factor for a product. I tried talking to the AI for 5 minutes, it really steered the conversation very well when the question was tricky.”